Introduction to The Floow and Telematics

The Floow is the largest stand-alone provider of telematics services in the UK. The Floow delivers telematics and data analytics solutions to a range of organisations across the globe, including motor insurers, automotive manufacturers, transport and placemaking consultancies, and both local and national governments.

Our core business is dedicated to supporting motor insurers by monitoring and analysing telemetry from the car journeys of policyholders. Journeys are monitored using either a plug-in device or, increasingly, a smartphone app. These devices record GNSS data (position and speed) for every second of a journey.  

Data is uploaded and processed once a journey has been completed, at which point the journeys are graded in terms of their safety. Over time, The Floow develops an in-depth understanding of a driver’s behaviour behind the wheel.  


What is MobilityIn?

MobilityIn is a traffic insights service that uses aggregated telematics data to provide an unprecedented view of how car drivers use the road network. Often, this service involves creating novel or bespoke solutions to support decision makers in the infrastructure and transport sectors. Our service presents a statistical view of vehicle movements over every road, as well as the travel patterns of vehicles between key locations.

How it works

We examine every journey that travelled through a region during a study period (typically 3-12 months) to produce a statistically representative picture of an average week.

The duration of the study period is proportional to the quality and available time resolution of the eventual products. Projects with longer study periods will use more journeys and produce better quality statistics. A study period does not have to span consecutive days. For example, a customer may wish to compare behaviour inside and outside of school term time, in which case those two periods can be isolated and used to produce separate analyses.

We perform the aggregation of vehicle behaviours over our road segment map.  This  map covers the entire road network divided into 10-100m directed sections, depending on road type. 

Product Options

Traffic Flow

Traffic flow is the estimated number of cars per hour passing through each road segment for a given time period. This estimate is the number of observed journeys scaled by a calibration factor. The calibration is calculated by comparing the observed flow to national AADF data, and can be refined further using any local contemporaneous  survey data (such as that produced by ATC surveys). Our sample of drivers should be homogeneously distributed throughout the country, as this best meets the needs of motor insurers. 

Thoroughfare Blend

The thoroughfare blend is the ideal tool for gaining a street-by-street understanding of rat-running across a neighbourhood, town, or city.

We measure the number of times that cars travel along each road that did not start nor end within the study region. This measurement is part of what we call blend analysis – the proportions of traffic that originated or terminated outside or inside of a region of interest.  We supply four quantities as part of this analysis; the percentage of journeys travelling outside to inside, inside to outside, trips that are strictly internal to the region and those trips that travel through the region without the car parking.

At present, many thoroughfare studies involve feeding data from ATC surveys into a traffic model that then predicts the routes that vehicles take between survey locations.  In contrast, the thoroughfare blend solution looks at the actual route taken by the vehicles while inside a region. 

Origin & Destination

An estimation of the number of trips per hour between two locations.  The locations can be regions, such as town to town travel, or individual streets by creating virtual checkpoints.  Virtual checkpoints can be used to understand the car traffic travelling between the entry and exit roads to a region or neighbourhood, as well as the common routes that vehicles take as they pass through a network of such checkpoints.


We can provide speed statistics, such as the median or 85th speed, for every road segment in a region, per hour of the day.  Our speed data is particularly useful for providing a comparison between the current and historic behaviour through any UK road.     

Routing and Journey Times

Sometimes customers want to know how journey times have changed between two epochs.  The Floow can provide a statistical measure of the travel time along user-defined routes. This analysis is useful for understanding how the travel time has changed across key junctions or road sections. 

Junction Turning

It is often desirable to understand how often vehicles make particular turns at major junctions.  We offer an OD frequency analysis of all junctions within a study region. 


Commissioning process

To request a quote, please contact with a map of the study region and a description of the project.  Our quotation process considers the following information.

  1. The approximate population enclosed by the region.
    As per the most recent census.
  1. Analysis requested
    See product list.
  1. Number of aggregations needed and their individual duration.
    More aggregations increases the cost to produce, while studying journeys collected over a shorter period of time will slightly reduce the cost of an aggregation.
  1. The combined duration of all aggregations.
    As a proxy for the total number of journeys that will have to be processed.

We aim to return an estimated project cost within 48 hours of a request.  Most projects are completed within three weeks after being commissioned.