Enhance the accident experience for your motor insurance customers, while also decreasing operational expenses and claims costs, by implementing smartphone telematics.

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Optimized for insurance claims operations
We’ve created an impact report that can be utilized by claims handlers, regardless of your operational procedures.
This report, developed in collaboration with claims handlers, aids in the proactive or reactive processing of customer claims, leading to improved operational efficiency and a decrease in indemnity expenditure.
Connected E-FNOL
Our Claims Reconstruction Report leverages a sophisticated smartphone incident detection solution.
Within minutes of an incident, we provide critical data to your claims operations teams, enhancing customer experience, combating fraud, and reducing costs.
This helps solve issues with:
Slow reporting of FNOL
Incorrect incident details
Personal injury fraud
Disputed Liability
Inflated subrogated costs
Features of FloowClaims
Impact Notifications
Our system promptly notifies insurance customers within minutes of detecting an impact.
Impact Search and Filtering
Customize impact search and filtering to align with your desired operational processes. For instance, proactively contacting customers when receiving high-severity impact notifications.
Impact location and information
Within minutes of an incident, you gain precise information about the location and details of what happened.
Google Street View
We automatically display an interactive Google Street View map at the incident location, significantly expediting the process of confirming an accurate incident location with the customer.
Contributing factors
Analyze contributing factors, including phone calls and harsh driving events, before the incident occurred.
Timeline of events
Review all activities of insured drivers 24 hours before and 24 hours after the incident.
Data export
Effortlessly export data and attach it to claims within your system, streamlining your market readiness with minimal systems integration.
API first technology
Leverage our APIs for seamless systems integration between FloowClaims and your own systems
A Global Scalable Solution
~500k journeys monitored for crashes daily
~150m miles monitored for crashes monthly
80 high impact crashes are identified monthly (Average)
83%+ on both precision and recall
Customers using this product